Resolution 2012

Today is 2nd January, I’m already late by a day making my this years resolutions. Unlike most of the people, I never make resolutions before the new year starts for real. On 31st December, I usually don’t give a shit, I imagine as if the world is going to end today, so I spend the day partying. I always leave the 1st January for hangover from last night, in fact, I believe the best day to think about the new year resolutions is on 1st January 2:00 PM onwards, because at that time you’re too hungover to actually do anything, and you’re not to intoxicated to think about yourself.

One other benefit that I have is that my birthday comes on last week of december, so I also have of sense of aging on a secondary thread to help me make my resolutions. Its not like I’m dying or anything, but I love to compare myself with all my personal heroes and their achievements by this age. Some make me feel happy, others unlucky.

So, coming back to this year’s resolutions, as usual I blurted out on Facebook and twitter:

Resolution 2012: Make things that will leave the entire world flabbergasted for many generations.

Then, I gave it another thought. Every year I make some resolutions, mostly they are just generic ideas, and like all the C++ abstract classes, they don’t actually do anything. All the time they just sit there, waiting for something to extend them and turn them into something more concrete. But, it never happens.

So, this year for a change I’ve decided to dump all the abstract classes theory and do something meaningful. This year I’ve decided to make monthly resolutions instead of yearly. For example, instead of thinking like

I’ll create a pac-man like game.

I’m thinking more like,

OK, now that I’ve created the provisioning profile. In next 2 days I’ll complete the prototype, then, if it looks good, I’ll finish the game by next week, and one week for graphics enhancement and one week for testing and launch the thing on AppStore,..

Hope this help me move forward in time this year, otherwise next year I’ll try doing it weekly ;)


  1. This article helped me in getting over the infinite game engine loop.

  2. This article helped me to realize to post this article you’re reading.