C++ for Swift developers

Swift in a sense is very much like C++, and when I say C++ I mean C++11 and beyond. One could also say that Swift is cleaner C++, or C++ without the backwards compatibility baggage from the 80s. To give an idea here’s a minimal modern C++ code:

#include <iostream>       // 1
using namespace std;      // 2
auto main() -> int {      // 3
  cout << "Hello world!"; // 4
  return 0;               // 5

Now lets break them down from Swift perspective.

#include <iostream> // 1

Swift equivalent would be import iostream. Frameworks usually come with an umbrella header as a single file, so typically we need to add only one include statement per framework like in Swift. But unlike Swift, we need to add include statements for every file we want to use from our own code.

#include <framework>      // external framework
#include "path/to/file.h" // local file
using namespace std; // 2

Unlike Swift, C++ has a proper support for namespaces. So if two types in different frameworks have same type name they can be resolved using their namespaces. For example fwkA::JSON and fwkB::JSON. To get a more Swift like behavior we can add using to indicate that the symbols do not need their namespace for every single usage.

auto main() -> int { // 3
  // ...

This is the modern way of writing functions in C++. In classic fashion this function could also be written as:

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello world!";
  return 0;
cout << "Hello world!"; // 4

Like Swift we can also override operators in C++. In this case the iostream library provides cout which is an object of type ostream that outputs to standard output stream. iostream also provides overrides for operator << for many common types like for string that we’re using above. But it can also work for our custom types if we provide the operator << for our type. The Swift equivalent to this would be the CustomStringConvertible protocol.

return 0; // 5

And finally since our function requires a return type int we have to end our function with a return statement.

With a basic introduction, now let us take a look at C++ in a bit more detail from Swift perspective.



var myVariable = 42
myVariable = 50 
let myConstant = 42

auto myVariable = 42;
myVariable = 50;
const auto myConstant = 42;

Just like in Swift types can be deduced by the compiler using auto, but if required we can always also provide the type information explicitly.


let myFloat: Float = 3.14

float myFloat = 3.14;

Unlike Swift, type conversions can also occur implicitly in C++. This needs to be carefully watched out for to avoid hard to find bugs. For other cases we need to explicitly convert data from a type to another. For example int to string


let label = "The width is "
let width = 94
let widthLabel = label + String(width)

auto label = "The width is ";
auto width = 94;
auto widthLabel = label + to_string(width);


String interpolation in C++ isn’t as good as with Swift. But nonetheless we can construct string with either explicit string conversion, like we saw above


let apples = 3
let oranges = 5
let appleSummary = "I have \(apples) apples."
let fruitSummary = "I have \(apples + oranges) pieces of fruit."

auto apples = 3;
auto oranges = 5;
auto appleSummary = "I have " + to_string(apples) + " apples.";
auto fruitSummary = "I have " + to_string(apples + oranges) + " pieces of fruit.";

Or using ostringstream which works just like cout and makes use of operator <<

auto apples = 3;
ostringstream ss;
ss << "I have " << apples << " apples.";
auto str = ss.str();

which can then further be reduced to:

auto str = (ostringstream()<<"I have "<<apples<<" apples.").str();

let apples = 3
let oranges = 5
let appleSummary = "I have \(apples) apples."
let fruitSummary = "I have \(apples + oranges) pieces of fruit."

auto apples = 3;
auto oranges = 5;
auto appleSummary = (ostringstream()<< "I have "<<apples<<" apples.").str();
auto fruitSummary = (ostringstream()<<"I have "<<(apples + oranges)<<" pieces of fruit.").str();


Swift Array equivalent in C++ is vector. Here’s how you use it


var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "tulips"]
shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water"
shoppingList.append("blue paint")

auto shoppingList = vector<string>{"catfish", "water", "tulips"};
shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water";
shoppingList.push_back("blue paint");

And this is how you iterate a vector


for item in shoppingList {

for (auto & item : shoppingList) {
  cout << item << endl;

The & here means that we wish to use item as a reference. If we were to use auto item it would always create a new copy.


Swift Dictionary equivalent in C++ is map. Here’s how you use it


var occupations = [
  "Malcolm": "Captain",
  "Kaylee": "Mechanic",
occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations"

auto occupations = map<string, string> {
  {"Malcolm", "Captain"},
  {"Kaylee", "Mechanic"},
occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations";

And this is how you iterate over a map


for (key, value) in occupations {
  print("\(key) : \(value)")

for (auto& [key, value]: occupations) {
  cout << key << " : " << value << endl;


Swift developers love Optional types. Fortunately for us, C++ also got optional types starting c++17. Although not as fancy as with Swift, but the core idea is the same: A type that either has the value or not. Here’s an example:


func greeting(_ required: Bool) -> String? {
  return required ? Optional("Hello") : nil;

func main() -> Int {
  let s = greeting(false) ?? "Hi"
  print(s) // Hi

  if let str = greeting(true) {
    print(str) // Hello

  return 0

auto greeting(bool required) -> optional<string> {
  return required ? optional{"Hello"} : nullopt;

auto main() -> int {
  auto s = greeting(false).value_or("Hi");
  cout << s << endl; // Hi

  if (auto str = greeting(true)) {
    cout << *str << endl; // Hello

  return 0;

The *str can be thought of as force unwrapping in Swift, str!. And after dereferencing we can either use the . or the handy -> operator to access the variable.



C++ functions do not have argument labels


func greet(_ person: String, on day: String) -> String {
    return "Hello \(person), today is \(day)."

greet("John", on: "Wednesday")

auto greetPersonOnDay(string person, string day) -> string {
  return (ostringstream()<<"Hello "<<person<<", today is "<<day<<".").str();

greetPersonOnDay("John", "Wednesday")l

But if you really miss having named arguments there are many tricks of all shapes and sizes out there. The simplest is to use a struct for arguments

struct Args { string person, day; };
auto greet(Args args) -> string {
  return (ostringstream()<<"Hello "<<args.person<<", today is "<<args.day<<".").str();

greet({.person = "John", .day = "Wednesday"})


C++ has a good support for closures. Here’s an example:


func hasAnyMatches(list: [Int], condition: (Int) -> Bool) -> Bool {
  for item in list {
    if condition(item) {
      return true
  return false

func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool {
  return number < 10

var numbers = [20, 19, 7, 12]
hasAnyMatches(list: numbers, condition: lessThanTen)

auto hasAnyMatches(vector<int> list, function<bool(int)> condition) -> bool {
  for (auto item : list) {
    if (condition(item)) {
      return true;
  return false;

auto lessThanTen(int number) -> bool {
  return number < 10;

auto numbers = vector<int> {20, 19, 7, 12};
hasAnyMatches(numbers, lessThanTen);

That said, C++ still doesn’t has all the fancy functional operations like map, filter, ... that we get with Swift, but they’re coming soon with C++20 ranges. For now we can use transform as an equivalent to Swift map


numbers.map({ (number: Int) -> Int in
  let result = 3 * number
  return result

transform(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), numbers.begin(), [](auto number) -> auto {
  auto result = 3 * number;
  return result;

The C++ code here would actually mutate the numbers. If we want the truly Swift map equivalent we would have to create an empty vector and append data to it

auto mappedNumbers = vector<int> {};
transform(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), back_inserter(mappedNumbers), [](auto n) { 
  return 3 * n; 


Unlike Swift in C++ there isn’t much difference between a struct and a class with the only difference being that a C++ struct has all members public by default whereas a class has all members as private by default. Whether the instance is mutable or not depends on how it is declared.


class Shape {

  func simpleDescription() -> String {
    return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides."

  var numberOfSides = 0

var shape = Shape()
shape.numberOfSides = 7
var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription()

class Shape {
  auto simpleDescription() -> string {
    return (ostringstream()<<"A shape with "<<numberOfSides<<" sides.").str();

  int numberOfSides = 0;

auto shape = Shape();
shape.numberOfSides = 7;
auto shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription();

Initializer (or constructor as they are called in C++) have a slightly different syntax


class Shape {

  init(name: String) {
    self.name = name

  func simpleDescription() -> String {
    return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides."

  var numberOfSides = 0
  var name: String

class Shape {
  Shape(string name)
    : name(name) {

  auto simpleDescription() -> string {
    return (ostringstream()<<"A shape with "<<numberOfSides<<" sides.").str();

  int numberOfSides = 0;
  string name;

In C++ subclasses need to be more explicit than Swift.


class Square: Shape {

  init(sideLength: Double, name: String) {
    self.sideLength = sideLength
    super.init(name: name)
    numberOfSides = 4

  func area() -> Double {
    return sideLength * sideLength

  override func simpleDescription() -> String {
    return "A square with sides of length \(sideLength)."

  var sideLength: Double

let shape = Square(sideLength: 5.2, name: "My square")

class Square: public Shape {
  Square(double sideLength, string name)
    : sideLength(sideLength),
      Shape(name) {
      numberOfSides = 4;

  auto area() -> double {
    return sideLength * sideLength;

  auto simpleDescription() -> string {
    return (ostringstream()<<"A square with sides of length "<<sideLength).str();
  double sideLength;

auto shape = Square(5.2, "My Square");

In C++ methods are by default bound to the declared types. Lets look at an example to understand what I mean by that.

auto shape = make_shared<Shape>("My Shape");  // create new Shape
cout << shape->simpleDescription() << endl;   // prints: A shape with 0 sides.
shape.reset(new Square(5.2, "My Square"));    // release Shape and create new Square
cout << shape->simpleDescription() << endl;   // prints: A shape with 4 sides.

In this case since shape is originally declared as of type Shape, so even after we assign it to a Square type simpleDescription still invokes Shape::simpleDescription. To get the same behavior as Swift we would have to mark the base class simpleDescription() as virtual, so that if we assign a Square instance to Shape it would dynamically dispatch the Square::simpleDescription at runtime.

class Shape {
  virtual auto simpleDescription() -> string {
    return (ostringstream()<<"A shape with "<<numberOfSides<<" sides.").str();
  // ...

class Square: public Shape {
  auto simpleDescription() -> string override {
    return (ostringstream()<<"A square with sides of length "<<sideLength).str();
  // ...

auto shape = make_shared<Shape>("My Shape");  // create new Shape
cout << shape->simpleDescription() << endl;   // prints: A shape with 0 sides.
shape.reset(new Square(5.2, "My Square"));    // release Shape and create new Square
cout << shape->simpleDescription() << endl;   // prints: A square with sides of length 5.2

Reference counting

Swift has reference counting mechanism builtin. C++ also provides reference counting, but it isn’t builtin. In order to get the same behavior as Swift, we need to make use of shared_ptr and weak_ptr. Here’s how it looks in C++

class MyString {
  MyString(string str) : str(str) {
    cout << "created" << endl;

  ~MyString() {
    cout << "destroyed" << endl;

  string str;

auto s0 = make_shared<MyString>("hello!");
cout << "first strong ref: " << s0->str << " refCount:" << s0.use_count() << endl;

auto w0 = weak_ptr<MyString>(s0);
cout << "first weak ref: " << s0->str << " refCount:" << s0.use_count() << endl;

auto s1 = s0;
cout << "second strong ref: " << s1->str << " refCount:" << s0.use_count() << endl;

And this is the output

first strong ref: hello! refCount:1
first weak ref: hello! refCount:1
second strong ref: hello! refCount:2

No surprises here, as you can see only a single instance is ever created and both the instance refer to the same thing with just the reference count that gets incremented. Also weak reference doesn’t increment the reference count. And then finally when we’re done the instance gets automatically deallocated. Just like in swift.

Error handling

Error handling in C++ is a bit more involved than Swift. So if we want to see the C++ exception handling from the perspective of Swift error handling, it might look something like:


func send(job: Int, toPrinter printerName: String) throws -> String {
  if printerName == "BadPrinterr" {
    throw PrinterError.noToner
  return "Job sent"

do {
  let printerResponse = try send(job: 1040, toPrinter: "BadPrinter")
} catch let error {

auto sendJobToPrinter(int job, string printerName) -> string {
  if (printerName == "BadPrinter") {
    throw PrinterError::noToner();
  return "Job sent";

try {
  auto printerResponse = sendJobToPrinter(1040, "BadPrinter");
  cout << printerResponse << endl;
} catch (const exception & error) {
  cout << error.what() << endl;

Unlike Swift, C++ functions are assumed to always throw. If they’re guaranteed to not throw at all then we can mark them as noexcept, in that case if any exception is thrown the app just crashes.

In Swift our PrinterError has to conform to Error, similarly in C++ our custom exception PrinterError has to subclass exception.

enum PrinterError: Error {
    case outOfPaper
    case noToner
    case onFire

Implementing the PrinterError type of exception is a bit more involved since C++ enums are not as awesome as Swift, but we can improvise.

class PrinterError: public exception {
  static auto outOfPaper() -> PrinterError {
    return PrinterError(0, "out of paper");
  static auto noToner() -> PrinterError {
    return PrinterError(1, "no toner");
  static auto onFire() -> PrinterError {
    return PrinterError(2, "on fire");

  PrinterError(int errorCode, const std::string &message) noexcept
  : errorCode(errorCode), message(message)

  auto what() const noexcept -> const  char * {
    return message.c_str();

  int errorCode;
  string message;


If there’s one thing where C++ beats Swift hands down, it’s Generics. Here’s an example how a generic class might look in C++

template <typename Element>
class Stack {

  auto push(Element e) {

  auto pop() -> optional<Element> {
    if (storage.empty()) {
      return nullopt;
    auto lastEle = storage.back();
    return lastEle;

  vector<Element> storage;

When it comes to generics, C++ isn’t as as verbose as Swift.


func anyCommonElements<T: Sequence, U: Sequence>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: U) -> Bool
  where T.Element: Equatable, T.Element == U.Element {
  for lhsItem in lhs {
    for rhsItem in rhs {
      if lhsItem == rhsItem {
        return true
  return false

anyCommonElements([1, 2, 3], [3])

template <typename T, typename U> 
auto anyCommonElements(T lhs, U rhs) -> bool {
  for (auto lhsItem : lhs) {
    for (auto rhsItem : rhs) {
      if (lhsItem == rhsItem) {
        return true;
  return false;

anyCommonElements(vector<int>{1, 2, 3}, vector<int>{3});

Notice no type constraints to Sequence or Equatable since the C++ compiler automatically takes care of that. In case the type constraints fail, for instance T.Element does not have == implemeted, the compiler throws errors that are generally hard to decipher. If you like that level of control c++20 has a proposal for constraints and concepts which is very close to where Swift is already at.

And finally, for a wrap up and to show how easy it is to work with C++ generics. Lets revisit our closure example from above where we tried to replicate the Swift map behavior with transfrom.

auto mappedNumbers = vector<int> {};
transform(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), back_inserter(mappedNumbers), [](auto number) {
  return 3 * result;

We can easily make this a generic function in our custom namespace

namespace wl {
  template <typename Sequence, typename Func>
  Sequence map(const Sequence & seq, const Func & func) {
    Sequence output;
    transform(seq.begin(), seq.end(), back_inserter(output), func);
    return output;

auto numbers = vector<int> {20, 19, 7, 12};
auto mappedNumbers = wl::map(numbers, [](auto number) { return 3 * number; });